Saturday, November 26, 2011


I finally finished the baby quilt that I started back in September (you can see how long it's been just by looking at the plantlife in each picture)! I used spray adhesive this time rather than doing the basting by hand, and let me tell you - I am never basting a quilt by hand again. In the past it has always been my least favorite part of quilting, and now I don't have to do that? Amazing! I used 505 Spray and Fix, and I did all the spraying out in the Hall of Kegasus, although I was surprised that the smell really wasn't too bad.

I took some inspiration from Ashley of Film in the Fridge (who is kind of a quilting hero of mine... is that weird?) and did a pieced back, which I really really like. This is the first quilt I've made that I didn't handmake the binding, but I also don't like making binding (sooo tedious), and I happened to have a bunch of storebought bias tape in this nice berry color that matched one of the fabrics I used... so I was lazy and used that.

And, of course, I embroidered my name block for it.

Now I just have to get it in the mail before the baby's actually born... CHALLENGE ACCEPTED.


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