Thursday, January 5, 2012

Sick day

I'm feeling pretty under the weather today. I did use it as a good excuse to whip up a few new handkerchiefs today:

I am always working with kids during the winters, so it is a sure guess that I am pretty much perpetually with a runny/stuffy nose, so last year I came up with the idea to just make some handkerchiefs out of a nice soft flannel. Maybe it's a little gross, but I don't really care, and it helps keep me from having a chapped face all winter long. Plus, how cute are these little guys?

They're really easy to make - just cut some squares and use a serger (or some kind of overlock stitch on a regular machine) to finish the edges.

Also, it's finally started snowing here in Pittsburgh and I'm already pretty fed up with it. To help remember warmer weather, here is a hilarious picture of my grandparents in Mexico:

And now I shall spend the rest of the night embroidering, playing Skyrim, and making this soup. Bye!


Twee said...

You got Skyrim!?!

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